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Product Details :
Genre | : Drama |
Author | : Bruce Mason |
Publisher | : Victoria University Press |
Release | : 1987 |
File | : 324 Pages |
ISBN-13 | : 0864730217 |
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Genre | : Drama |
Author | : Bruce Mason |
Publisher | : Victoria University Press |
Release | : 1987 |
File | : 324 Pages |
ISBN-13 | : 0864730217 |
Genre | : Lectures and lecturing |
Author | : |
Publisher | : |
Release | : 1911 |
File | : 888 Pages |
ISBN-13 | : UOM:39015082613343 |
Combining current theory and original fieldwork, Queer Visibilities explores the gap between liberal South African law and the reality for groups of queer men living in Cape Town. Explores the interface between queer sexuality, race, and urban space to show links between groups of queer men Focuses on three main 'population groups' in Cape Town—white, coloured, and black Africans Discusses how HIV remains a key issue for queer men in South Africa Utilizes new research data—the first comprehensive cross-community study of queer identities in South Africa
Genre | : Social Science |
Author | : Andrew Tucker |
Publisher | : John Wiley & Sons |
Release | : 2011-07-22 |
File | : 257 Pages |
ISBN-13 | : 9781444399776 |
Apartheid vertigo, the dizzying sensation following prolonged oppression and delusions of skin colour, is the focus of this book. For centuries, the colour-code shaped state and national ideals, created social and emotional distances between social groups, permeated public and private spheres, and dehumanized Africans of all nationalities in South Africa. Two decades after the demise of official apartheid, despite four successive black governments, apartheid vertigo still distorts South Africa's postcolonial reality. The colour-code endures, but now in postcolonial masks. Political freedom notwithstanding, vast sections of the black citizenry have adopted and adapted the code to fit the new reality. This vertiginous reality is manifest in the neo-apartheid ideology of Makwerekwere - the postcolonial colour-code mobilized to distinguish black outsiders from black insiders. Apartheid vertigo ranges from negative sentiments to outright violence against black outsiders, including insults, humiliations, extortions, searches, arrests, detentions, deportations, tortures, rapes, beatings, and killings. Ironically, the victims are not only the outsiders against whom the code is mobilized but also the insiders who mobilize it. Drawing on evidence from interviews, observation, press articles, reports, research monographs, and history, this book unravels the synergies of history, migration, nationalism, black group relations, and violence in South Africa, deconstructing the idea of visible differences between black nationals and black foreign nationals. The book demonstrates that in South Africa, violence always lurks on the surface of everyday life with the potential to burst through the fragile limits set upon it and possibly escalate to ethnic cleansing.
Genre | : Social Science |
Author | : David M. Matsinhe |
Publisher | : Routledge |
Release | : 2016-05-23 |
File | : 231 Pages |
ISBN-13 | : 9781317180227 |
Genre | : Audiobooks |
Author | : |
Publisher | : |
Release | : 2000 |
File | : 1804 Pages |
ISBN-13 | : UOM:39015046800762 |
The best in literature and language arts, mathmatics and computer science.
Genre | : Language Arts & Disciplines |
Author | : Marion Sader |
Publisher | : Libraries Unlimited |
Release | : 1992-01-30 |
File | : 920 Pages |
ISBN-13 | : UOM:39015026864481 |
Definitive and gripping narrative history of the Communist Party of South Africa.
Genre | : History |
Author | : Tom Lodge |
Publisher | : Boydell & Brewer |
Release | : 2022 |
File | : 633 Pages |
ISBN-13 | : 9781847013217 |
The Classroom as Privileged Space: Psychoanalytic Paradigms for Social Justice in Pedagogy examines the psychic and emotional effects of the dehumanization of children based on social discrimination and difference within schooling. Used as a tool to critique the current state of social justice within education, psychoanalysis allows for a focus on the individual within the social context of schooling. It highlights the emotional structures that can develop in children and learners through the oft repeated trauma of racism and homophobia. This book draws from the articulated experiences of three writers and urges the reader to approach the work of the writers and this book as a witness and as one who is enabled to respond through acquiring knowledge and acting on it. Drawing from scholars in psychoanalysis, sociology, and education, Tapo Chimbganda posits that perhaps the “safe space” education has been touting is not what is necessary to cultivate diversity, equity, and inclusion in classrooms. Rather, privilege, re-imagined through psychoanalytic technique, can make possible the elements of social justice that have long frustrated, silenced, and escaped the classroom.
Genre | : Education |
Author | : Tapo Chimbganda |
Publisher | : Lexington Books |
Release | : 2017-07-28 |
File | : 205 Pages |
ISBN-13 | : 9781498511964 |
What do Richard Dawkins, Jackie Robinson, and St Teresa have in common? .They all can be found in this book 360 of Reading is a literature reference guide for high school students. It makes a great stocking stuffer at Christmas, or 'end of school year' gift for that special student. Any student who wants to read great literature will benefit from this book. It has reference pages for 360 books that cover novels, drama, poetry, and a broad range of non-fiction. Each reference page includes bibliographic information, a descriptive note, keywords and more. Furthermore, the books are indexed by author, country of origin, date of first publication, and keywords. It also has an appendix listing an additional forty titles. Twenty-four books by Pulitzer Prize winners and twenty-six books by Nobel Prize in Literature winners are among the works listed in this reference guide.
Genre | : High school libraries |
Author | : W. E. Poplaski |
Publisher | : Dog Ear Publishing |
Release | : 2007 |
File | : 457 Pages |
ISBN-13 | : 9781598583793 |
Genre | : |
Author | : |
Publisher | : |
Release | : 1895 |
File | : 900 Pages |
ISBN-13 | : MSU:31293017646625 |