Prisoners Of Geography Our World Explained In 12 Simple Maps Illustrated Young Readers Edition

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“For curious children ages 7–15, Prisoners of Geography has lots to fascinate.”—The Wall Street Journal The secret world history written in the mountains, rivers, and seas that shape every country’s politics, economy, and international relations—and our own lives—is revealed in this illustrated young readers edition of Prisoners of Geography, the million-copy international bestseller. History is a story—and it’s impossible to tell the whole tale without understanding the setting. In this eye-opening illustrated edition of the international bestseller Prisoners of Geography, you’ll learn to spot connections between geography and world affairs in ways you never noticed before. How did the US’s rivers help it become a superpower? Why are harsh, cold and swampy Siberia and the Russian Far East two of that country’s most prized regions? How come Japan prefers to trade along the coasts instead of across its land? What do the Himalayas have to do with war? With colorful maps that capture every continent and region, plus hundreds of illustrations that illuminate how our surroundings shape us, this one-of-a-kind atlas will inspire curious minds of all ages!

Product Details :

Genre : Juvenile Nonfiction
Author : Tim Marshall
Publisher : The Experiment, LLC
Release : 2021-11-30
File : 170 Pages
ISBN-13 : 9781615198481

Prisoners Of Geography

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First published in Great Britain in 2015 by Elliott and Thompson Limited.

Product Details :

Genre : History
Author : Tim Marshall
Publisher : Simon and Schuster
Release : 2016-10-11
File : 320 Pages
ISBN-13 : 9781501121470

Carceral Geography

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The ’punitive turn’ has brought about new ways of thinking about geography and the state, and has highlighted spaces of incarceration as a new terrain for exploration by geographers. Carceral geography offers a geographical perspective on incarceration, and this volume accordingly tracks the ideas, practices and engagements that have shaped the development of this new and vibrant subdiscipline, and scopes out future research directions. By conveying a sense of the debates, directions, and threads within the field of carceral geography, it traces the inner workings of this dynamic field, its synergies with criminology and prison sociology, and its likely future trajectories. Synthesizing existing work in carceral geography, and exploring the future directions it might take, the book develops a notion of the ’carceral’ as spatial, emplaced, mobile, embodied and affective.

Product Details :

Genre : Social Science
Author : Dominique Moran
Publisher : Routledge
Release : 2016-04-08
File : 198 Pages
ISBN-13 : 9781317169789

The Geography Teaching Adventure

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Children are born explorers, full of wonder and hungry for stories about the world. What role might geography teaching play? What geographical stories do we tell about the world? What stories do we tell about geography itself? The book revisits an older vision of geography that is much bigger than exams and memorising information: dreams of adventure and discovery. But where geography’s imperial past used these tools for domination and control, this book reclaims exploration to nurture wonder and tell better stories that work towards more just, equitable and sustainable futures. Positioning geography teaching in relation to major global challenges, author Steve Puttick argues that the subject has a unique role to play through its ability to think across natural and social sciences in equipping young people with the skills and knowledge they need to respond. The book offers a critical and accessible analysis of geography’s entanglements with colonialism by exploring the striations of Empire in the subject. Each chapter draws on a wide range of research in geography, and finishes with practical activities and questions for reflection that can be used individually and collectively to support teachers’ ongoing professional development. The book is essential reading for all geography teachers at any stage of their career, as well as geography teacher educators, subject leads and school leaders with responsibility for curriculum development.

Product Details :

Genre : Education
Author : Steve Puttick
Publisher : Taylor & Francis
Release : 2023-11-14
File : 149 Pages
ISBN-13 : 9781000994520

Gender Geography And Punishment

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Gaining access to a number of penal colonies to interview prisoners, the authors show that much in the Russian prison system today is a direct inheritance from the Soviet period with the result that, despite wide-ranging the reforms since 1991, the Russian penal experience for women is still uniquely painful.

Product Details :

Genre : Social Science
Author : Judith Pallot
Publisher : Oxford University Press
Release : 2012-10-04
File : 303 Pages
ISBN-13 : 9780199658619

Historical Geographies Of Prisons

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This is the first book to provide a comprehensive historical-geographical lens to the development and evolution of correctional institutions as a specific subset of carceral geographies. This book analyzes and critiques global practices of incarceration, regimes of punishment, and their corresponding spaces of "corrections" from the eighteenth to twenty-first centuries. It examines individuals' experiences within various regulatory regimes and spaces of punishment, and offers an interpretation of spaces of incarceration as cultural-historical artifacts. The book also analyzes the spatial-distributional geographies of incarceration, particularly with respect to their historical impact on community political-economic development and local geographies. Contributions within this book examine a range of prison sites and the practices that take place within them to help us understand how regimes of punishment are experienced, and are constructed in different kinds of ways across space and time for very different ends. The overall aim of this book is to help understand the legacies of carceral geographies in the present. The resonances across space and time tell a profound story of social and spatial legacies and, as such, offer important insights into the prison crisis we see in many parts of the world today.

Product Details :

Genre : Science
Author : Karen M. Morin
Publisher : Routledge
Release : 2015-06-12
File : 280 Pages
ISBN-13 : 9781317532613

Italian Prisons In The Age Of Positivism 1861 1914

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During a period dominated by the biological determinism of Cesare Lombroso, Italy constructed a new prison system that sought to reconcile criminology with nation building and new definitions of citizenship. Italian Prisons in the Age of Positivism, 1861-1914 examines this "second wave" of global prison reform between Italian Unification and World War I, providing fascinating insights into the relationship between changing modes of punishment and the development of the modern Italian state. Mary Gibson focuses on the correlation between the birth of the prison and the establishment of a liberal government, showing how rehabilitation through work in humanitarian conditions played a key role in the development of a new secular national identity. She also highlights the importance of age and gender for constructing a nuanced chronology of the birth of the prison, demonstrating that whilst imprisonment emerged first as a punishment for women and children, they were often denied "negative" rights, such as equality in penal law and the right to a secular form of punishment. Employing a wealth of hitherto neglected primary sources, such as yearly prison statistics, this cutting-edge study also provides glimpses into the everyday life of inmates in both the new capital of Rome and the nation as a whole. Italian Prisons in the Age of Positivism, 1861-1914 is a vital study for understanding the birth of the prison in modern Italy and beyond.

Product Details :

Genre : History
Author : Mary Gibson
Publisher : Bloomsbury Publishing
Release : 2019-07-11
File : 337 Pages
ISBN-13 : 9781350055339

Handbook On Prisons And Jails

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The Handbook on Prisons and Jails brings together some of the brightest scholars and thinkers in the field to offer a wide range of perspectives for understanding the experiences of persons incarcerated or working/volunteering within carceral institutions. The assembled chapters consider what is known in the area while identifying emerging areas for theoretical, empirical, and policy work. The volume includes contributions on numerous topics and areas related to penal control, containment, living, and/or working in carceral institutions and addresses methodological considerations for doing research with individuals incarcerated in jail or prison. This collection is essential reading for scholars and students seeking an up-to-date guide to contemporary issues facing corrections and sentencing. It also provides practitioners with valuable resources for developing socially informed policies and practices.

Product Details :

Genre : Social Science
Author : Danielle S. Rudes
Publisher : Taylor & Francis
Release : 2023-09-26
File : 436 Pages
ISBN-13 : 9781000954791

International Encyclopedia Of Geography 15 Volume Set

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Zweifelsohne das Referenzwerk zu diesem weitgefächerten und dynamischen Fachgebiet. The International Encyclopedia of Geograph ist das Ergebnis einer einmaligen Zusammenarbeit zwischen Wiley und der American Association of Geographers (AAG), beleuchtet und definiert Konzepte, Forschung und Techniken in der Geographie und zugehörigen Fachgebieten. Die Enzyklopädie ist als Online-Ausgabe und 15-bändige farbige Printversion erhältlich. Unter der Mitarbeit einer Gruppe von Experten aus aller Welt ist ein umfassender und fundierter Überblick über die Geographie in allen Erdteilen entstanden. - Enthält mehr als 1.000 Einträge zwischen 1.000 und 10.000 Wörtern, die verständlich in grundlegende Konzepte einführen, komplexe Themen erläutern und Informationen zu geographischen Gesellschaften aus aller Welt enthalten. - Entstanden unter der Mitarbeit von mehr als 900 Wissenschaftlern aus über 40 Ländern und bietet damit einen umfassenden und fundierten Überblick über die Geographie in allen Erdteilen. - Deckt das Fachgebiet umfassend ab und berücksichtigt auch die Richtungen Humangeographie, Physikalische Geographie, geographische Informationswissenschaften und -systeme, Erdwissenschaften und Umweltwissenschaften. - Führt interdisziplinäre Sichtweisen zu geographischen Themen und Verfahren zusammen, die auch für die Sozialwissenschaften, Geisteswissenschaften, Naturwissenschaften und Medizin von Interesse sind. - Printausgabe durchgängig in Farbe mit über 1.000 Illustrationen und Fotos. - Online-Ausgabe wird jährlich aktualisiert.

Product Details :

Genre : Science
Author : Noel Castree
Publisher : John Wiley & Sons
Release : 2017-03-20
File : 8364 Pages
ISBN-13 : 9780470659632

Our Prisoners

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This publication, a collaboration between the Inter-American Development Bank and the University of The Bahamas, presents the findings of a study of sentenced inmates at the prison in The Bahamas known at the Department of Correctional Services Facility, Fox Hill. The materials provide invaluable insight into public policy to further support the transformation of citizen security in The Bahamas. Robust and reliable information is needed to effectively diagnose, plan, carry out, and monitor correctional policies. The data generated by this publication and its underlying research are key inputs for the IDB’s Citizen Security and Justice Knowledge Strategy, which aims to better inform the public debate and decision makers about institutional performance of the criminal justice sectors in Latin America and the Caribbean.

Product Details :

Genre : Social Science
Author : William Fielding
Publisher : Inter-American Development Bank
Release : 2019-04-03
File : 225 Pages
ISBN-13 :