Brand New Year

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Multiple award-winning author Kat Bastion returns with a standalone multicultural romantic comedy novelette, the perfect feel-good escape... Brand New Year. Avery Benson imprinted into her mind an amazing experience she would never allow again. For in the thirty-fifth year of her life, at the stroke of midnight New Year’s Eve, she’d undertaken an adventure. Guided by a resolution of monumental proportions. One that made kicking a habit, losing weight, or getting organized mere child’s play. Her bold resolution in that brand-new year? A brand-new her. But… How far should we go to redefine ourselves?

Product Details :

Genre : Fiction
Author : Kat Bastion
Publisher : Kat Bastion and Stone Bastion
Release : 2021-01-19
File : 105 Pages
ISBN-13 : 9781734806182

The 5th Season New Year Ku Books 1 2 Of 4

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In this book, the first of a series, Robin D. Gill, author of the highly acclaimed Rise, Ye Sea Slugs! and Cherry Blossom Epiphany, the largest single-theme anthologies of poetry ever published, explores the traditional Japanese New Year through 2,000 translated haiku (mostly 17-20c). "The New Year," R.H. Blyth once wrote, "is a season by itself." That was nowhere so plain as in the world of haiku, where saijiki, large collections called of ku illustrating hundreds, if not thousands of briefly explained seasonal themes, generally comprised five volumes, one for each season. Yet, the great doyen of haiku gave this fifth season, considered the first season when it came at the head of the Spring rather than in mid-winter, only a tenth of the pages he gave to each of the other four seasons (20 vs. 200). Was Blyth, Zen enthusiast, not enamored with ritual? Or, was he loath to translate the New Year with its many cultural idiosyncrasies (most common to the Sinosphere but not to the West), because he did not want to have to explain the haiku? It is hard to say, but, with these poems for the re-creation of the world, Robin D. Gill, aka "keigu" (respect foolishness, or respect-fool), rushes in where even Blyth feared to tread to give this supernatural or cosmological season - one that combines aspects of the Solstice, Christmas, New Year's, Easter, July 4th and the Once Upon a Time of Fairy Tales - the attention it deserves. With G.K. Chesterton's words, evoking the mind of the haiku poets of old, the author-publisher leaves further description of the content to his reader-reviewers. "The man standing in his own kitchen-garden with the fairyland opening at the gate, is the man with large ideas. His mind creates distance; the motor-car stupidly destroys it." (G.K. Chesterton: Heretics 1905)

Product Details :

Genre : Language Arts & Disciplines
Author : Robin D. Gill
Publisher : Paraverse Press
Release : 2007
File : 469 Pages
ISBN-13 : 9780974261898

A Yearful Of Assemblies

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This is an exciting book on Assemblies throughout the Year that meets the needs of today's teachers and children. The book suggests ways to use modern resources, such as an Interactive Whiteboard and the Internet; yet it retains the basic need to engage children's interest and provides a spiritual dimension broad enough to be inclusive. It recognises the cultural diversity of modern primary schools by taking a global approach to subjects and making use of modern themes and concerns. It helps teachers buisier today, who need to take assembly regularly and want a supply of relevant material. - Suitable for KS1 - With plans for Assemblies

Product Details :

Genre : Education
Author : Eileen Jones
Publisher : Andrews UK Limited
Release : 2012-07-13
File : 117 Pages
ISBN-13 : 9781909102682

A New Year S Treat

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The mesmerizing sight of Madison standing in his doorway struck Taylor to the core. It was love at first sight. Madison was caught unawares by the way she felt. She was love struck. Taylor was smitten and gladly accepted her invitation to a party. The last day of the year was about to become the first day of a whole new experience for Madison and Taylor. A budding romance that flourished, but not without ups and downs thrown in the mix.

Product Details :

Genre : Fiction
Author : Bridgitte Lesley
Publisher : XinXii
Release : 2022-01-19
File : 264 Pages
ISBN-13 : 9783986464271

To The Glory Of His Name

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To the Glory of His Name! A Book of Poetry, Prayer, and Praise By: Marian Colton Written over the course of many years, Marian Colton compiles for the first time a collection of poetry, reflections, and ruminations from her time working as a paraprofessional in the Special Education Department of the Brick Township School District to her life in retirement living in a “fifty-five and over” community. While some of her reflections have changed over time, it is clear that the glory of God has not. While we may all be facing different circumstances and challenges, God loves each and every one of us. He is there for the faithful, to guide them and meet their needs as troubled waters rise. Colton makes this sentiment evident in her simple, easy-to-read poetry, and will inspire any reader to begin a Faith journey of their very own.

Product Details :

Genre : Religion
Author : Marian Colton
Publisher : Dorrance Publishing
Release : 2021-12-07
File : 156 Pages
ISBN-13 : 9781638672937


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《8000 句英語會話日常生活每天說》分為5大章,21個部分,涉及到社會、生活、工作、娛樂等各個方面,囊括了近200個不同的場景,收錄8,000多句實用句 型。同時每個句子後都列出至少一個同義句,方便讀者運用。許多句中也列出重點單字和片語,讓讀者在學習會話的同時,也能夠輕鬆學習句中的單字和片語。本書 所收錄的句子都是最道地也最流行的,特別推薦給有口語基礎,想讓自己的英文會話能力更進步的人。 本書特色 ●主題最多元 不管是搭訕、點菜、問路還是匯款,這些生活場景,你天天都用得到! ●24小時貼心服務 從早上起床到晚上下班回家,你所需要的表達方式,隨時都找得到! ●例句最豐富 164個主題,每個主題下平均有25個句子,由於句子不會只有一種表達方式, 所以每個句子下至少提供一個同義句。 ●外國人天天都在用 和中式英文說掰掰!由外籍英語教師審定,學習最道地、最in的表達方式! 目錄 Chapter 1 日常交際 Part 1 見面問候 初識搭訕 自我介紹 保持聯絡 朋友見面 談工作 談故鄉 Part 2連絡感情 盛情邀約 登門拜訪 互相幫助 選購與贈送禮物 致謝 告別 Part 3 娛樂狂歡 生日派對 在酒吧 在舞會 在遊樂場 在動物園 在博物館 Part 4 歡度節日 新年 情人節 母親節 父親節 萬聖節 聖誕節 其他節日 Part 5 電話通訊 撥接電話 打錯電話 電話故障 轉接電話 留言 結束電話 Chapter 2 閒聊片刻 Part 1 談論天氣 陽光明媚 高溫酷暑 下雪下雨 陰冷潮濕 其他天氣 Part 2 談學習教育 新學期開始 學習情況 學習方法 遇到難題 同學關係 在圖書館 考試 獎學金 論文 畢業 升學 Part 3 興趣愛好 看電影 看電視 讀書看報 養寵物 下棋玩遊戲 聽音樂 繪畫 打球 唱歌 爬山 游泳 跑步 滑雪溜冰 野餐露營 Part 4 喜怒哀樂 高興 讚美 悲傷 懷疑 信任 告誡 安慰 擔心 羞愧 討厭 憤怒 道歉 Part 5 常見閒聊主題 夢想 吸煙 烹飪 家事 健康 減肥 時尚元素 明星 鄰居 愛情 友誼 成功 環境污染 壓力 科技 網路 Chapter 3 休閒生活 Part 1 逛街購物 在服裝店 在鞋帽店 在超級市場 在日常用品店 在花店 在數位產品店 在古董店 Part 2 享受美食 餐廳訂位 點菜 結帳 Part 3 快樂假期 健行 開車自助旅行 搭乘交通工具出遊 參觀名勝古蹟 欣賞自然風光 Part 4 美容美髮 剪頭髮 美髮 護膚 購買化妝品 美甲修眉 整形 Chapter 4 公共場所 Part 1 在郵局 郵寄包裹 郵政儲蓄業務 Part 2 在銀行 存錢 領錢 匯款 貸款 開通帳戶 貨幣兌換 支票業務 信用卡業務 繳納費用 掛失 Part 3 在醫院 預約掛號 就診 吃藥打針 諮詢 住院 動手術 探病 出院 注意事項 Part 4 在馬路上 迷路與問路 指引方向 塞車 停車 違反交通規則 車子拋錨 交通事故 Chapter 5 職場生涯 Part 1職場新鮮人 找工作 預約面試 參加面試 面試結果 工作協議 培訓 Part 2 熟悉工作環境 了解工作內容 諮詢與指導 報告工作狀況 上下班 加班 請假 出差 加薪與升遷 福利待遇 職位調動 解雇 辭職 Part 3 商務活動 預約會面 接待客戶 參觀公司 介紹產品或服務 談判協商 簽訂合約 慶祝合作 為客戶送行 序 推薦序 希望英文對話能力突飛猛進,看這本就對了 Kenneth Paul 《8000句英語會話 日常生活每天說》是會話工具書,書中提供在各種情境下皆可使用的實用對話,從個人關係、個人理財到職場對話。這本書主要是針對有英文口語基礎,想提升會話能力的學習者使用,擴充他們的對話內容,使對話更流暢。 我帶過很多交換學生的班級以及成人會話班,我的學生在對話中有時會停頓、不知如何表達,我認為這本書對我的學生來說,再適合不過了。 本書有五章,又分為164個相關主題,每個主題下大約有25個例句,每個例句都有至少一個同義的句子,困難的單字和片語也會提供定義。 這種不先提供句型,而是直接提供同義句的作法,讓學生不會只是背誦句型,而可以直接學習相關句子。由於書中提供大量外國人常用的表達方式,所以學生可 以學習在各種不同的場景中合適的英文表達方式。至於內容的正確性,由於我本人審定本書中所有的句子,我可以保證所有表達方式皆很常用。 我認為這本書有兩個最大的優勢,首先是主題很廣,不像其他書可能為了迎合讀者而把主題的範圍簡單化,本書的會話包羅萬象,從日常交際、閒聊片刻、休閒 生活與興趣、個人財務、健康到職場生涯。再者是提供同義句,讀者可挑選自己比較喜歡的句子在生活中使用,不會只有一個句子可以運用。 由於本書的廣度和實用程度極佳,所以我很推薦這本書給想在國外生活的人閱讀。書上的主題和日常生活息息相關,每位讀者都可從豐富的內容中獲益。對於目前在上英文會話課的學生來說,本書的內容對課本或是課堂都是很好的補充。看了這本書,你的會話能力必定會突飛猛進! 作者序 最完整的生活會話大全 人類智庫編輯群 很多人學了多年英語,但真正要跟老外交流時,卻是結結巴巴、語無倫次,絞盡腦汁說出來的句子,外國人還是聽不懂,這時不免讓人感慨:「英文口語真是讓 人傷透腦筋!」究其原因,不難發現,大多數的人都把時間花在記憶單字,他們單靠死記硬背,但從不開口,或者只會花時間閱讀,殊不知這些學習方法對英語學習 而言,其實效果不佳。 那麼怎樣才能學好英文會話呢?一本簡單實用的英語會話書是不可或缺的。《8000句英語會話 日常生活每天說》就是這樣的一本好書,它的特色在於場景豐富,所收錄的句子都是最道地也最流行的。 本書共分為5大章,21個部分,涉及到社會、生活、工作、娛樂等各個方面,囊括了近200個不同的場景,收錄8,000多句實用句型。同時,我們深知 每句話不會只有一種表達方式,所以在每個句子後都列出同義句,方便讀者運用。許多句中也列出重點單字和片語,讓讀者在學習會話的同時,也能夠輕鬆學習句中 的單字和片語。 本書編排合理,每一章節都是獨立的。讀者可以不按章節順序學習,而是從自己最有興趣的看起,或者根據自身需要來挑選對你而言最重要的章節,這樣學習起 來會更有效率。另外,學習時,可以挑選某個場景,先不看書,而是盡可能地去想與此場景相關的基本句子,然後再和書上列出的句子相比較,查漏補缺,加深記 憶,從而使學習事半功倍。 衷心希望本書能提供廣大英語學習者最完善的英語會話,讓您在和英文人士溝通時暢通無礙。

Product Details :

Genre : English language
Author : Kenneth Paul
Publisher : 人類智庫
Release : 2016-03-01
File : 416 Pages
ISBN-13 : 9789863732334

Now That She S Gone

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The day your mother dies is the day you acquire a powerful and persistent new companion--grief. It is also the day you become the keeper of a legacy that has the potential to affect generations to come. Between a past you can't let go of and a future you can hardly find the energy to think about, you stand. The ground may feel shaky, but it is sacred. And it must be tread. With vulnerability and honesty, Chelsea Ohlemiller walks you through her own journey of grief at the loss of her mother in order to help you along yours. These raw reflections on heartbreak, love, and hope in the midst of sorrow can help you put words to your own tangled feelings when you are speechless with grief. Chelsea does not couch her narrative in spiritual jargon or edit her feelings into "acceptable" sentiments that ultimately mean nothing and help no one. Instead, she invites you to be radically honest about your anger, disbelief, and sorrow so that you can move forward even if it feels like you will never be able to move on. Whether you had a great relationship with your mother or a complicated one, you will find in this book a compassionate and understanding friend for the days, months, and years to come.

Product Details :

Genre : Religion
Author : Chelsea Ohlemiller
Publisher : Baker Books
Release : 2024-08-13
File : 255 Pages
ISBN-13 : 9781493445585

From Holidays To Holy Days

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An invitation to see Advent and Christmas through the eyes of a Benedictine monk to find the holy and peace in the hustle and bustle of the season. Take a Benedictine walk through the season of Advent with Benedictine monk Albert Holtz. Join him on his daily outings as he heads out of his abbey and through the colorful, noisy streets of Downtown Newark, New Jersey. In these once-a-day meditations, Father Albert points out the often-unnoticed connections between our secular celebration of the holidays and the deeper, spiritual meaning of the holy seasons of Advent and Christmas. In a string of colored lights, a crowd of shoppers, or the window of a toy shore, readers will uncover the traditional advent themes of watchful waiting, repentance, and selfless love. In the bustling sidewalks and busy malls, readers will learn to see Isaiah, John the Baptist, and even Jesus himself, all speaking their ancient messages of peace, hope and good will.

Product Details :

Genre : Religion
Author : Albert Holtz
Publisher : Church Publishing, Inc.
Release : 2008-09-01
File : 135 Pages
ISBN-13 : 9780819226907

Love N Life Poetry

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This is my 2nd book of poetry. I began writing these poems, shortly after my 1st book was published in May 2008. From that date to now (2014), I have written numerous poems, many of which I have included in this body of work. Once again, I bring to you the realities of the world, words that will, as my motto goes Inspire, Motivate & Encourage the World One Poem/Positive Vibe at a Time. It is my sincere hope that you can find hope, peace, love, understanding, laughter or joy in my selection of poems. GOD gifted me with this talent and it is my duty to share it with you all. As one of my poems is entitled, MY PASSION IS MY PURPOSE. I give you a little twist this time, adding in some Love poems, hence Love~N~Life Poetry. I thank you for your continued support over the years, you are TRULY my inspiration & I appreciate each and every one of you. May this book of poetry be a beautiful read and keepsake.

Product Details :

Genre : Poetry
Author : Poetic Flow
Publisher : Xlibris Corporation
Release : 2014-06-27
File : 276 Pages
ISBN-13 : 9781499031195

Divine Choir

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Divine Choir, volume 3, marvelous continuation of Divine Choir volume 1 & 2. Various poets from all over the world. Action in Heaven and on Earth, very entertaining, on all subjects of life and afterlife.

Product Details :

Genre : Poetry
Author : Thaddeus Hutyra
Publisher :
Release : 2020-03-08
File : 452 Pages
ISBN-13 : 9781678000042