Spring And Autumn Period Story 01 25 V2020

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The Spring and Autumn period was a period in Chinese history from approximately 771 to 476 BCE which corresponds roughly to the first half of the Eastern Zhou period. Wikipedia Chinese histories are abundant. In Chinese history the stories of glorious and tragic men and events are so numerous that they cannot be counted. Therefore, people often sya, " One does not know where to begin discussing the Twenty-five Histories. " The historical stories are selected from many stroies with clear and simple wording, they present a complete Chinese history concisely to our readers.This book is one of the Chinese Culture Story Series. The whole set of Chinese Culture Stories Series, 999 articles, 18 categories. Perfect for HSK 4-6, IGCSE Chinese, IB Chinese & School extra readings. Find the QR code on the first page for the best price for the whole set of books. New launching BEST price at http://edeo.biz/26749 中国的史书浩瀚如海,在中国历史上可歌可泣的人物和事件,不可胜数,所以大家常说:一部二十五史,不知从何说起。我们从历代的史书中,以教育性、趣味性、知识性为取材标准,用简洁的文字,将中国历史撷精择要的呈现给读者。 Contents 01序编 Preface 1 序编 Preface 2-历史的意义 Significance of History 02 春秋时代 The Spring and Autumn Period 03 周郑互换人质 King Zhou and Duke Zhen exchanged hostages 04 仁智忠勇的叔詹 Wisdom, loyalty, courage, benevolence Shu Zhan 05 弦高退敌 Xuan Gao repulsed the enemy 06 郑子产 Great statesmen Zheng Zi Chan 07 兄弟让国 Let my brother be the heir of Throne 08 妇人之仁 A woman’s kindness 09 诚信退敌 Retreat enemy with integrity 10 利器借人 Power cannot be casually given away 11 大义灭亲的石碏 Shi Que placed righteousness above family loyalty 12 好鹤亡国 How One’s Love of Cranes Destroyed a Country 13 子路之死 The death of Zi Lu 14 恶有恶报 Evil is repaid with evil. 15 晋国的故事 The story of Jin State 16 晋献公借路灭虢 Jin Xiangong Borrows Road to destroy the state of Guo 17 秦晋之好 The amity between Qin and Jin. 18 秦穆公平晋乱 Qin Duke Mu settled the chaos of Jin 19 重耳流亡十九年 Chong Er lived in exile for nineteen years 20 城濮之战 Battle of Chengpu 21 淆山封尸 Bury remains in Xiao Mount 22 忠义的刺客 Loyal and righteous assassin 23 赵氏孤儿 The orphan of Zhao 24 推荐贤人的祁奚 Qi Xi who recommends gifted men 25 三家分晋 Three clans split Jin territory This book is one of the Chinese Culture Story Series. The whole set of Chinese Culture Stories Series, 999 articles, 18 categories. Perfect for HSK 4-6, IGCSE Chinese, IB Chinese & School extra readings. Find the QR code on the first page for the best price for the whole set of books. New launching BEST price at http://edeo.biz/26749

Product Details :

Genre : Foreign Language Study
Author : DAVID YAO
Publisher : Legoo Mandarin
Release :
File : 82 Pages
ISBN-13 :

Warring States Era Story 01 25 V2020

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The Warring States period was an era in ancient Chinese history characterized by warfare, as well as bureaucratic and military reforms and consolidation. Start date: 475 BC End date: 221 BC. (Wikipedia) 我们从历代的史书中,以教育性、趣味性、知识性为取材标准,用简洁的文字,将中国历史撷精择要的呈现给读者。 The historical stories are selected from many stroies with clear and simple wording, they present a complete Chinese history concisely to our readers. This book is one of the Chinese Culture Story Series. The whole set of Chinese Culture Stories Series, 41 books @ $ 2.4/BOOK ONLY!, 1050 articles, 18 categories. Chinese-English bilingual, Detailed explanations and expansions of Vocabularies, Perfect for HSK 4-6, IGCSE Chinese, IB Chinese & School extra readings. Find the QR code on the first page for the best price for the whole set of books. New launching BEST price at http://edeo.biz/26749 Warring States Era 战国时代-Story 01-25 Contents 01 序编 Preface 1 序编 Preface 2-历史的意义 Significance of History 02 战国七雄 the Seven Suzerains of the Warring States period 03 豫让击衣报仇 Yu Rang stab garment as revenge 04 魏文侯的故事 A man of his word - Lord Wei 05 乐羊伐中山 Cold-blooded General Yue Yang 045 半途而废 Give up halfway 06 吴起守西河 Cruel natured General Wu Qi 07 邹忌谏齐王 Zou Ji admonish Duke Wei of Qi 08 赏罚公平的齐威王 Duke Wei of Qi state with fair rewards and punishments 09 孙膑的故事 Sun Bin's story 10 马陵之战 Battle of Ma Ling 11 齐宣王与无盐女 King Qi Xuan and Lady Wu-yan 12 魏惠王的复仇 Duke Hui's Revenge 13 聂政刺韩傀 Courageous assassin Nie Zheng 14 孟尝君的故事 Nobleman escaped by depending on a cock's crow and a thieving dog! 15 冯谖与孟尝君 Feng Xuan bought he righteousness 16 燕王哙禅让乱国 Sinking Fake Fame courted disaster 17 燕昭王招贤图强 King Chao Recruits Talents 120 买千里马 Buy thousand-tricent horses 18 乐毅免身全功 Yue Yi escape execution and actualize the meritorious achievement 19 布衣之义 A commoner's loyal righteousness 20 田单的火牛阵 Tian Dan's Fire Oxen Array 21 鼎重难移 Nine large caldrons 22 智解玉连环 Broke the jade bracelet link by hammar 23 信陵君窃符救赵 Xin Ling Jun steal the military seal to rescue Zhao State 24 信陵君破秦 Xin Ling Jun's awe-inspiring victory 25 荆轲刺秦王 Jing Ke Assassinated King Qin

Product Details :

Genre : Foreign Language Study
Author : DAVID YAO
Publisher : Legoo Mandarin
Release :
File : 91 Pages
ISBN-13 :

Qing Dynasty Story 01 25 V2020

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The Qing dynasty, officially the Great Qing, was the last imperial dynasty of China. It was established in 1636, and ruled China proper from 1644 to 1912. It was preceded by the Ming dynasty and succeeded by the Republic of China. The dynasty was founded by the Manchu Aisin Gioro clan in Manchuria. (Wikipedia) Qing Dynasty 清代-Story 01-25 V2020--Chinese History Story 中国历史故事 Volume 12/14 Contents 01 序编 Preface 1 序言 2 Preface 2 序言 3 Preface 3 02 努尔哈赤 Nurhaci 03 皇太极登基 Emperor Taiji ascended the throne 04 多尔衮 Dorgon 05 「圆圆曲」的故事 The story of "Yuan Yuan Qu" 06 嘉定三屠 The Three Massacres of Jia Ding 07 郑成功 Zheng Cheng Gong 08 年少有为的顺治皇帝 Short-lived Emperor Shun Zhi 09 康熙与鳌拜 Oboi Conflict with the Kangxi Emperor 10 清初学术界的三先生 Three Masters of the Early Qing 11 文字狱 Literary inquisitions 12 梅文鼎和王锡阐 A famous mathematician and a famous astronomer 13 三藩之乱 The War of the Three Feudatories 14 雅克萨之战与尼布楚条约 Yakesa Campaign and the Treaty of Nertchinsk 15 雍正皇帝 Yongzheng Emperor 16 鸭母王朱一贵 Duck King rebellion 17 大义觉迷录 Yongzheng Emperor's Propaganda 17 十全老人 – 乾隆皇帝 The Perfect Victor-Qianlong Emperor 18 四库全书 Compilation of the Complete Library in Four Branches of Literature 20 香妃 Fragrant Concubine 21 和珅弄权 Ho-shen is Jiaqing Emperor’s windfall 22 嘉庆皇帝 Jiaqing Emperor 23 川楚白莲教乱 The White Lotus Sect Rebellion 24 聊斋志异 Strange Stories from a Chinese Studio 25 道光皇帝 Daoguang Emperor

Product Details :

Genre : Foreign Language Study
Author : DAVID YAO
Publisher : Legoo Mandarin
Release : 2020-11-01
File : 89 Pages
ISBN-13 :

Three Dynasties Xia Shang Zhou Story 01 25 V2020

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The Hsia (Xia) dynasty is the first dynasty recorded in Chinese history. Its territory covered approximately the area of present-day southern Shansi, south-eastern Shensi, and western Henan provinces.History elucidates the way in which the nations of each age rise and Fall, and the way the virtuous ancients built the character necessary to Rule peacefully. History enables us to distinguish between ourselves and others, and to understand the great principle underlying right and wrong. From history we learn to regard as right what is right, and as wrong what is wrong, thereby leaving the world free of moral ambiguity.历史乃所以明历代国家兴衰隆替之道,古圣先贤修齐治平之理,辨人我之异同,明是非之大端。是者是之,非者非之,使黑白无所遁形于天地之间。 The Chinese people are proud of their long and continuous history; history holds a special significance for the Chinese. 悠久而且绵延不断的历史使中国人感到自豪;历史使中国而言是有特殊意义的。 This book is one of the Chinese Culture Story Series. The whole set of Chinese Culture Stories Series, 999 articles, 18 categories. Perfect for HSK 4-6, IGCSE Chinese, IB Chinese & School extra readings. Find the QR code on the first page for the best price for the whole set of books. New launching BEST price at http://edeo.biz/26749

Product Details :

Genre : Foreign Language Study
Author : DAVID YAO
Publisher : Legoo Mandarin
Release : 2020-10-26
File : 92 Pages
ISBN-13 :

Yuan Ming Dynasties Story 01 25 V2020

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NEW PDF BOOK! Yuan, Ming Dynasties 元明 -Story 01-25 V2020-- HSK Chinese History Story中国历史故事 Volume 11/14 -New launching BEST price @ http://edeo.biz/27158 The Yuan Dynasty (1279–1368) was China's first foreign-led dynasty, in between the Chinese Song and Ming dynasties. It was established by Kublai Khan, leader of the vast Mongol Empire, and fell into internal rebellion after it lost touch with its Mongol roots.The Ming dynasty, officially the Great Ming, was the ruling dynasty of China from 1368 to 1644 following the collapse of the Mongol-led Yuan dynasty. The Ming dynasty was the last imperial dynasty of China ruled by Han Chinese. (Wikipedia)This book is one of the Chinese Culture Story Series. 中国的史书浩瀚如海,在中国历史上可歌可泣的人物和事件,不可胜数,所以大家常说:一部二十五史,不知从何说起。我们从历代的史书中,以教育性、趣味性、知识性为取材标准,用简洁的文字,将中国历史撷精择要的呈现给读者。Chinese histories are abundant. In Chinese history the stories of glorious and tragic men and events are so numerous that they cannot be counted. Therefore, people often sya, " One does not know where to begin discussing the Twenty-five Histories. " The historical stories are selected from many stroies with clear and simple wording, they present a complete Chinese history concisely to our readers. Yuan, Ming Dynasties 元明 -Story 01-25 V2020-- Chinese History Story中国历史故事 Volume 11/14 Contents 01 序编 Preface 1 序言 2 Preface 2 序言 3 Preface 3 02 元明史鸟瞰 The Yuan dynasty and Ming dynasty overview 03 大漠英雄成吉思汗 Genghis Khan 04 马可波罗到中国 The Travels of Marco Polo 05 从放牛娃到皇帝 From shepherd boy to Emperor 06 郑和下西洋 Ming treasure voyages 07 清官海瑞 Blue-Sky Hai 08 张居正的新政 Zhang Ju Zheng's reforms 09 戚继光平定倭寇 Qi Ji Guang wipes out pirate invasion 10 宦官乱政 Eunuchs' insidious power 11 明末的党争 The factional struggles in the late Ming Dynasty 12 明朝的灭亡 Ming came to an end 13 郑成功收复台湾 Zheng Cheng Gong captured Taiwan 14 「永乐大典」的编纂 The compilation the Yong Le Compendium 15 科举考试和八股文 The civil examinations and eight-legged essay 16 王阳明的知行学说 The theory of knowledge and action 17 「窦娥冤」与「牡丹亭」 Two representative dramas-The Plight of Dou E and Peony Pavilion 18 唐伯虎與徐文長 Tang Bohu and Xu Wenchang 19 明朝四大小说 Ming Dynasty four great novels 20 明末遗民画家 The Ming Eccentrics painters 21 「本草纲目」与「天工开物」 Two China native scientific book-Pharmacopia Essentia and On Natural Creation 22 地理学家徐霞客 Geographer Xu Xiake 23 徐光启和利玛窦 Xu Guangqi and Matteo Ricci 24 晚明的版画 Late Ming woodcut prints 25 明代江南园林 Jiangnan Gardens in Ming Dynasty 25 张元素切脉 Two open-minded Doctors 26 西厢记诸宫调 Western Chamber Romance chant fable 27 文天祥正气歌 Wen Tian Xiang's Song of Honor This book is one of the Chinese Culture Story Series. The whole set of Chinese Culture Stories Series, 41 books @ $ 2.4/BOOK ONLY!, 1050 articles, 18 categories. Chinese-English bilingual, Detailed explanations and expansions of Vocabularies, Perfect for HSK 4-6, IGCSE Chinese, IB Chinese & School extra readings. Find the QR code on the first page for the best price for the whole set of books. New launching BEST price at http://edeo.biz/26749 For Hardcopy or paperback books at best price with reduced postage, please visit: David Yao Amazon Kindle Author Central page: http://bit.ly/david-amazon-kdp (USA) https://www.amazon.co.uk/-/e/B07PR3LTMQ (UK) https://www.amazon.de/-/e/B07PR3LTMQ (German) http://www.amazon.fr/-/e/B07PR3LTMQ (France) https://www.amazon.co.jp/~/e/B07PR3LTMQ (Japan) https://www.amazon.com/-/e/B07PR3LTMQ (USA)

Product Details :

Genre : Foreign Language Study
Author : DAVID YAO
Publisher : Legoo Mandarin
Release :
File : 90 Pages
ISBN-13 :

Chinese Story Volume 1 8 Story 01 25 V2020

eBook Download


这套中国故事,有历史故事、有寓言故事、有民间流传的故事、也有神话故事。但不论是那一类的故事,它除了知识和趣味,都是讲忠孝节义,劝人向善向上,一个好心的人,最后定有好报;一个乐意帮助他人的人,一定会博人喜悦,有所收获;一个肯努力上进的人,终能成功。当然,坏人永远是没有好下场的,这情形几乎成为一项必然的结果。仔细想想,其中确有道理,而不是一种虚构的故事情节。 The Chinese Stories Series has 8 volumes. There were history stories、fables、folk stories and fairy tales. And every kind of story, along with being informative and interesting, also taught us about filial piety and moral integrity, and encouraged us to do good and improve our-selves. A kind-hearted person was always rewarded in the end; a person who was willing to help others was always well-liked by others and always reaped benefits; and a person who was willing to work hard always succeeded in the end. Naturally, bad people always came to no good end. Each story was almost certain to finish in this way. And if we really think about it, endings such as these make sense; they are not just meaningless story plots.

Product Details :

Genre : Foreign Language Study
Author : DAVID YAO
Publisher : Legoo Mandarin
Release : 2020-10-24
File : 92 Pages
ISBN-13 :

Spring And Autumn Period Story 26 50 V2020

eBook Download


The Spring and Autumn period was a period in Chinese history from approximately 771 to 476 BCE which corresponds roughly to the first half of the Eastern Zhou period. Wikipedia Chinese histories are abundant. In Chinese history the stories of glorious and tragic men and events are so numerous that they cannot be counted. Therefore, people often sya, " One does not know where to begin discussing the Twenty-five Histories. " The historical stories are selected from many stroies with clear and simple wording, they present a complete Chinese history concisely to our readers.This book is one of the Chinese Culture Story Series. The whole set of Chinese Culture Stories Series, 999 articles, 18 categories. Perfect for HSK 4-6, IGCSE Chinese, IB Chinese & School extra readings. Find the QR code on the first page for the best price for the whole set of books. New launching BEST price at http://edeo.biz/26749 中国的史书浩瀚如海,在中国历史上可歌可泣的人物和事件,不可胜数,所以大家常说:一部二十五史,不知从何说起。我们从历代的史书中,以教育性、趣味性、知识性为取材标准,用简洁的文字,将中国历史撷精择要的呈现给读者。 Contents 26 序编 Preface 1 序编 Preface 2-历史的意义 Significance of History 27 齐国的故事 The story of Qi 28 公子纠和小白 Dukeling Jiu and Dukeling Xiao Bai 29 齐桓公和管仲 Duke Huan and prime minister Guan Zhong 34 管鲍之交 Friendship like Kuan Chung and Pao Shu-ya 30 春秋第一霸 The first supreme lord 31 齐顷公 Duke Ching of Qi courted disaster 32 崔杼弑君 Cui Zhu killed the king 33 晏婴 Yan Ying- an open-minded prime minister 34 鲁国的故事 The state of Lu 35 长勺之战 Battle of Long Spoon Chang Shao 027 一鼓作气 Get sth. done in one vigorous effort 36 孔子的故事 The story of Confucius 37 爱国童子汪锜 Patriotic Boy Wang Qi 38 楚国的故事 The story of Chu State 39 楚庄王 Broad-minded King Chuang of Chu 40 申叔谏楚庄王 Shen Shu Admonished the King of Chu Zhuang 41 孙叔敖 A benevolent official Sun Shu-ao 42 吴国的故事 The story of Wu state 43 季札让国 Faithful Ji Zha 44 孙武练兵 Sun Wu train court ladies into soldiers 45 申包胥借兵 Shen Bao-xu Borrows Soldiers 46 越国的故事The Story of Yue state 47 夫差的复仇 Fu Chai's Revenge 48 卧薪尝胆的句践 Go Jian -Stop at nothing 052 卧薪尝胆 To Sleep On Brushwood and Taste Gall 49 美人计 honey trap 50 伍子胥的预言 Prophecy of Wu Zixu

Product Details :

Genre : Foreign Language Study
Author : DAVID YAO
Publisher : Legoo Mandarin
Release : 2020-10-27
File : 95 Pages
ISBN-13 :

Song Liao Jin Dynasties Story 01 25 V2020

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The Song dynasty was an imperial dynasty of China that began in 960 and lasted until 1279. The dynasty was founded by Emperor Taizu of Song following his usurpation of the throne of the Later Zhou, ending the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms period. The Liao dynasty, also known as the Liao Empire, officially the Great Liao, or the Khitan State, was an empire and imperial dynasty in East Asia that ruled from 916 to 1125 over present-day Northern and Northeast China, Mongolia and portions of the Russian Far East and North Korea. Jin dynasty (金朝) 1115–1234The Jin dynasty, officially known as the Great Jin, lasted from 1115 to 1234 as one of the last dynasties in Chinese history to predate the Mongol conquest of China. (Wikipedia)This book is one of the Chinese Culture Story Series. The whole set of Chinese Culture Stories Series, 999 articles, 18 categories. Perfect for HSK 4-6, IGCSE Chinese, IB Chinese & School extra readings. Find the QR code on the first page for the best price for the whole set of books. New launching BEST price at http://edeo.biz/26749 The origins of the Chinese people go far back in time, and Chinese culture is extensive and rich in nature. It is the traditional Chinese high Regard for history that has made this possible Song, Liao, Jin Dynasties 宋辽金 -Story 01-25 V2020 -- HSK Chinese History Story中国历史故事 Volume 10/14 Contents 01 序编 Preface 1 序言 2 Preface 2 02 耶律阿保机 A Khitan chieftain, Yeh-lu Ah-pao-chi, founded the Liao empire. 03 陈桥兵变 Chen Qiao Mutiny 04 烛影斧声 The shadow of Candle and sound axe 05 金匮之盟 Golden chamber alliance 06 杨家将 The Yang clan generals 07 澶渊之盟 Treaty of Chan-yuan 08 萧太后与辽圣宗 The Empress Dowager Hsiao and Emperor Sheng-tsung of the Liao Dynasty 09 西夏建国 Western Xia Empire 10 包青天 Judge Bao 宋陵 11 古文大家欧阳修 A scholar of many talents- Ou Yang Xiu 115 欧阳修努力为学 Ouyang Xiu industrious approach to studying 12 资治通鉴 The Comprehensive Mirror of Good Governing 13 王安石变法 Wang Anshi Reform 14 东坡居士 Recluse of the Eastern Slop 15 一代才女李清照 A talent women poets - Li Qing Zhao 16 清明上河图 A River Scene at Qing-ming 17 瘦金书 Thin gold calligraphic style 116 画家皇帝宋徽宗 Artist Emperor Song Huizong 18 完颜阿骨打 Wan-yen Ah-ku-ta 19 莫须有罪名 It must be so! 20 爱国诗人陆游 A patriotic poet Lu You 21 豪放词人辛弃疾 A vigorous poet Xin Qi Ji 22 鹅湖之会 The Goose Lake Meeting 23 图书印刷 Chinese printing 24 小尧舜金世宗 Little sage king Shi Zong 25 张元素切脉 Two open-minded Doctors 26 西厢记诸宫调 Western Chamber Romance chant fable 27 文天祥正气歌 Wen Tian Xiang's Song of Honor

Product Details :

Genre : Foreign Language Study
Author : DAVID YAO
Publisher : Legoo Mandarin
Release : 2020-10-30
File : 121 Pages
ISBN-13 :

Humanities Index

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Product Details :

Genre : Humanities
Author :
Publisher :
Release : 1999
File : 1622 Pages
ISBN-13 : UCAL:B5120361

Air University Library Index To Military Periodicals

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Product Details :

Genre : Aeronautics
Author :
Publisher :
Release : 1997
File : 468 Pages
ISBN-13 : PSU:000032527445