The Conflict Of The Ages Story Vol 2 Prophets And Kings Illustrated

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The Prolonged Struggle of Supernatural Forces for Creation’s Loyalty as Revealed In— Vol. II.— King Solomon Until the Promised Deliverer —Prophets and Kings Heritage Edition—Some 248 Century-Old Illustrations, 472 pages This volume covers the last half of the Old Testament, from the ascension of Solomon to the throne of Israel to the prophesying of Malachi. It points out the great moral lessons to be learned from Israel’s triumphs, defeats, backslidings, captivity, and reformation, showing God’s mercy toward an obdurate people, and making these lessons of practical help to souls in times of testing. It abounds in great character studies, and above them all rises in glory supernal the coming King, the Lamb of God. CONTENTS Introduction-The Vineyard of the Lord SECTION I. — FROM STRENGTH TO WEAKNESS 1. Solomon 2. The Temple and Its Dedication 3. Pride of Prosperity 4. Results of Transgression 5. Solomon’s Repentance 6. The Rending of the Kingdom 7. Jeroboam 8. National Apostasy SECTION II. — PROPHETS OF THE NORTHERN KINGDOM 9. Elijah the Tishbite 10. The Voice of Stern Rebuke 11. Carmel 12. From Jezreel to Horeb 13. “What Doest Thou Here?” 14. “In the Spirit and Power of Elias” 15. Jehoshaphat 16. The Fall of the House of Ahab 17. The Call of Elisha 18. The Healing of the Waters 19. A Prophet of Peace 20. Naaman 21. Elisha’s Closing Ministry 22. “Nineveh, That Great City” 23. The Assyrian Captivity 24. “Destroyed for Lack of Knowledge” SECTION III. — A PREACHER OF RIGHTEOUSNESS 25. The Call of Isaiah 26. “Behold Your God!” 27. Ahaz 28. Hezekiah 29. The Ambassadors From Babylon 30. Deliverance From Assyria 31. Hope for the Heathen SECTION IV. — NATIONAL RETRIBUTION 32. Manasseh and Josiah 33. The Book of the Law 34. Jeremiah . 35. Approaching Doom 36. The Last King of Judah 37. Carried Captive Into Babylon 38. Light Through Darkness SECTION V. — IN THE LANDS OF THE HEATHEN 39. In the Court of Babylon 40. Nebuchadnezzar’s Dream 41. The Fiery Furnace 42. True Greatness 43. The Unseen Watcher 44. In the Lions’ Den SECTION VI. — AFTER THE EXILE 45. The Return of the Exiles 46. “The Prophets of God Helping Them” 47. Joshua and the Angel 48. “Not by Might, nor by Power” 49. In the Days of Queen Esther 50. Ezra, the Priest and Scribe 51. A Spiritual Revival 52. A Man of Opportunity . 53. The Builders on the Wall 54. A Rebuke Against Extortion 55. Heathen Plots 56. Instructed in the Law of God 57. Reformation SECTION VII. — LIGHT AT EVENTIDE 58. The Coming of a Deliverer 59. “The House of Israel” 60. Visions of Future Glory The Companion Volumes are: Vol. I.— Adam and Eve Through King David’s Reign — Patriarchs and Prophets Vol. III.—The Life and Ministry of Jesus Christ — The Desire of Ages Vol. IV.—The Times and Ministry of the Apostles — The Acts of the Apostles Vol. V.—The Christian Era Until Victory is Unanimously Achieved — The Great Controversy * Supernatural Revelations Explaining Past, Present, & Future *— TRANSFORMING TRUTH STRANGER THAN FICTION —

Product Details :

Genre : Religion
Author : Ellen G. White
Publisher : Digital Inspiration
Release :
File : 608 Pages
ISBN-13 :

The Conflict Of The Ages Story Vol 1 Patriarchs And Prophets Illustrated

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The Prolonged Struggle of Supernatural Forces for Creation’s Loyalty as Revealed In— Vol. I.—Adam and Eve Through King David’s Reign — Patriarchs and Prophets Heritage Edition—Some 110 Century-Old Illustrations, 658 pages. This volume gives the account of the beginning of this world, of mankind, and of the evil so prevalent today. Starting with creation week with the founding of God’s holy day as a memorial of His creative power, this volume recounts the struggle of mankind as buffeted by the forces of evil through the awesome world-wide flood, the lives of the patriarchs, the slavery of Israel in Egypt, their miraculous deliverance and establishment as God’s chosen people entrusted with His eternal commandments in the Promised Land down through the reign of king David. CONTENTS SECTION I. — PARADISE & PARADISE LOST 1. Why was Sin Permitted? 2. The Creation 3. The Temptation and Fall 4. The Plan of Redemption 5. Cain and Abel Tested 6. Seth and Enoch SECTION II. — THE CREATOR “REPENTS” 7. The Flood 8. After the Flood 9. The Literal Week 10. The Tower of Babel SECTION III. — THE FRIEND OF GOD 11. The Call of Abraham 12. Abraham in Canaan 13. The Test of Faith 14. Destruction of Sodom 15. The Marriage of Isaac SECTION IV. — FROM SUPPLANTER TO ISRAEL 16. Jacob and Esau 17. Jacob’s Flight and Exile 18. The Night of Wrestling 19. The Return to Canaan 20. Joseph in Egypt 21. Joseph and His Brothers SECTION V. — DELIVERANCE FROM SLAVERY 22. Moses 23. The Plagues of Egypt 24. The Passover 25. The Exodus 26. From the Red Sea to Sinai 27. The Law Given to Israel 28. Idolatry at Sinai 29. Satan’s Enmity Against the Law 30. The Tabernacle and Its Services 31. The Sin of Nadab and Abihu 32. The Law and the Covenants 33. From Sinai to Kadesh 34. The Twelve Spies 35. The Rebellion of Korah 36. In the Wilderness 37. The Smitten Rock 38. The Journey Around Edom 39. The Conquest of Bashan 40. Balaam 41. Apostasy at the Jordan 42. The Law Repeated 43. The Death of Moses SECTION VI. — “THE PROMISED LAND” 44. Crossing the Jordan 45. The Fall of Jericho 46. The Blessings and the Curses 47. League With the Gibeonites 48. The Division of Canaan 49. The Last Words of Joshua 50. Tithes and Offerings 51. God’s Care for the Poor 52. The Annual Feasts SECTION VII. — THEOCRACY WITH JUDGES 53. The Earlier Judges 54. Samson 55. The Child Samuel 56. Eli and His Sons 57. The Ark Taken by the Philistines 58. The Schools of the Prophets SECTION VIII. — ISRAEL DEMANDS A KING 59. The First King of Israel 60. The Presumption of Saul 61. Saul Rejected 62. The Anointing of David 63. David and Goliath 64. David a Fugitive 65. The Magnanimity of David 66. The Death of Saul 67. Ancient and Modern Sorcery SECTION IX. — “AFTER GOD’S OWN HEART” 68. David at Ziklag 69. David Called to the Throne 70. The Reign of David 71. David’s Sin and Repentance 72. The Rebellion of Absalom 73. The Last Years of David Appendix The Companion Volumes are: Vol. II.—King Solomon Until the Promised Deliverer — Prophets and Kings Vol. III.—The Life and Ministry of Jesus Christ — The Desire of Ages Vol. IV.—The Times and Ministry of the Apostles — The Acts of the Apostles Vol. V.—The Christian Era Until Victory is Unanimously Achieved — The Great Controversy * Supernatural Revelations Explaining Past, Present, & Future * — TRANSFORMING TRUTH STRANGER THAN FICTION —

Product Details :

Genre : Religion
Author : Ellen G. White
Publisher : Digital Inspiration
Release :
File : 863 Pages
ISBN-13 :

The Conflict Of The Ages Story Vol 5 The Great Controversy Illustrated

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The Prolonged Struggle of Supernatural Forces for Creation’s Loyalty as Revealed In— Vol. V.— The Christian Era Until Victory is Unanimously Achieved — The Great Controversy. Heritage Edition—Some 125 Century-Old Illustrations, 558 pages. This volume is a portrayal of the history and future of the Christian Church from the destruction of ancient Jerusalem in A.D. 70 until the establishment of the New Jerusalem as God’s eternal capital of the universe on this earth restored, with emphasis upon the end-time prophecies of Daniel and the Revelation. A clear description is provided of the over-arching great controversy between Christ and Satan, which began in heaven but is presently battling over the souls of mankind and will be brought to an end here on this earth. CONTENTS Preface Author’s Introduction SECTION I.— FROM FAITHFUL TO HARLOT 1. The Destruction of Jerusalem 2. Persecution in the First Centuries 3. An Era of Spiritual Darkness (The Apostasy) SECTION II.— FROM REMNANT TO REFORMATION 4. The Waldenses 5. John Wycliffe 6. Huss and Jerome 7. Luther’s Separation From Rome 8. Luther Before the Diet 9. The Swiss Reformer 10. Progress of Reform in Germany 11. Protest of the Princes 12. The French Reformation 13. The Netherlands and Scandinavia 14. Later English Reformers 15. The Bible and the French Revolution SECTION III.— TRIALS IN THE NEW WORLD 16. The Pilgrim Fathers 17. Heralds of the Morning 18. An American Reformer 19. Light Through Darkness 20. A Great Religious Awakening 21. A Warning Rejected SECTION IV.— BIBLE TRUTHS REDISCOVERED 22. Prophecies Fulfilled 23. What Is the Sanctuary? 24. In the Holy of Holies 25. God’s Law Immutable 26. A Work of Reform 27. Modern Revivals 28. Facing Life’s Record (The Investigative Judgment) 29. The Origin of Evil 30. Enmity Between Man and Satan 31. Agency of Evil Spirits 32. Snares of Satan 33. The First Great Deception 34. Can Our Dead Speak to Us? (Spiritualism) SECTION V.— TRIALS AT THE END 35. Liberty of Conscience Threatened (Aims of the Papacy) 36. The Impending Conflict 37. The Scriptures a Safeguard 38. The Final Warning 39. The Time of Trouble SECTION VI.— TRUTH TRIUMPHANT 40. God’s People Delivered 41. Desolation of the Earth 42. The Controversy Ended Appendix The Companion Volumes are: Vol. I.— Adam and Eve Through King David’s Reign — Patriarchs and Prophets Vol. II.— King Solomon Until the Promised Deliverer — Prophets and Kings Vol. III.—The Life and Ministry of Jesus Christ — The Desire of Ages Vol. IV.—The Times and Ministry of the Apostles — The Acts of the Apostles * Supernatural Revelations Explaining Past, Present, & Future * — TRANSFORMING TRUTH STRANGER THAN FICTION —

Product Details :

Genre : Religion
Author : Ellen G. White
Publisher : Digital Inspiration
Release :
File : 713 Pages
ISBN-13 :

The Conflict Of The Ages Story Vol 3 The Desire Of Ages Illustrated

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The Prolonged Struggle of Supernatural Forces for Creation’s Loyalty as Revealed In— Vol. III.—The Life and Ministry of Jesus Christ — The Desire of Ages. Heritage Edition—Over 300 Century-Old Illustrations, 724 pages. This third volume—The Desire of Ages—covers the life and ministry of Jesus Christ as recorded in the four gospels. This is the heart-molding story of Jesus of Nazareth, the promised Seed of the Woman which was to conquer and eventually destroy the adversary of mankind—the serpent, the devil. This is the story of the central theme of all Scripture, the account of the life and ministry of the long-looked-for, and yet misunderstood and rejected by most, Messiah, Emmanuel—God with us. This third volume—The Desire of Ages—covers the life and ministry of Jesus Christ as recorded in the four gospels. This is the heart-molding story of Jesus of Nazareth, the promised Seed of the Woman which was to conquer and eventually destroy the adversary of mankind—the serpent, the devil. This is the story of the central theme of all Scripture, the account of the life and ministry of the long-looked-for, and yet misunderstood and rejected by most, Messiah, Emmanuel—God with us. Take time to meditate upon the life of He whom accepted into one’s life, transforms the mind and heart and promises to each repentant son and daughter of Adam time without end—eternal dwelling with Him who during His three-and-one-half years of ministry demonstrated His ability to deliver us from sin, and to wipe away all tears from our eyes. CONTENTS SECTION I. — AN OUTLOOK 1. “God With Us” 2. The Chosen People 3. “The Fullness of the Time” SECTION II. — EARLY YEARS 4. Unto You a Saviour 5. The Dedication 6. “We Have Seen His Star 7. As a Child 8. The Passover Visit 9. Days of Conflict SECTION III. — THE ANOINTED ONE 10. The Voice in the Wilderness 11. The Baptism 12. The Temptation 13. The Victory 14. “We Have Found the Messias” 15. At the Marriage Feast 16. In His Temple 17. Nicodemus 18. “He Must Increase” 19. At Jacob’s Well 20. “Except Ye See Signs and Wonders” 21. Bethesda and the Sanhedrin 22. Imprisonment and Death of John SECTION IV. — DAYS OF PROMISE 23. “The Kingdom of God Is at Hand” 24. “Is Not This the Carpenter’s Son?” 25. The Call by the Sea 26. At Capernaum 27. “Thou Canst Make Me Clean” 28. Levi-Matthew 29. The Sabbath 30. “He Ordained Twelve” 31. The Sermon on the Mount 32. The Centurion 33. Who Are My Brethren? 34. The Invitation 35. “Peace, Be Still” 36. The Touch of Faith 37. The First Evangelists 38. Come Rest Awhile 39. “Give Ye Them to Eat” SECTION V. — FALLING SHADOWS 40. A Night on the Lake 41. The Crisis in Galilee 42. Tradition 43. Barriers Broken Down 44. The True Sign 45. The Foreshadowing of the Cross 46. He Was Transfigured 47. Ministry 48. Who Is the Greatest? SECTION VI. — THE REJECTED ONE 49. At the Feast of Tabernacles 50. Among Snares 51. “The Light of Life” 52. The Divine Shepherd 53. The Last Journey From Galilee 54. The Good Samaritan 55. Not With Outward Show 56. Blessing the Children 57. “One Thing Thou Lackest” 58. “Lazarus, Come Forth” 59. Priestly Plottings SECTION VII. — NEARING THE END 60. The Law of the New Kingdom 61. Zacchaeus 62. The Feast at Simon’s House 63. “Thy King Cometh” 64. A Doomed People 65. The Temple Cleansed Again 66. Controversy 67. Woes on the Pharisees 68. In the Outer Court 69. On the Mount of Olives 70. “The Least of These My Brethren” 71. A Servant of Servants 72. “In Remembrance of Me” 73. “Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled” SECTION VIII. — THE CRUCIFIED 74. Gethsemane 75. Before Annas and the Court of Caiaphas 76. Judas 77. In Pilate’s Judgment Hall 78. Calvary 79. “It Is Finished” SECTION IX. — TO THE FATHER’S THRONE 80. In Joseph’s Tomb 81. “The Lord Is Risen” 82. “Why Weepest Thou?” 83. The Walk to Emmaus 84. “Peace Be Unto You” 85. By the Sea Once More 86. Go Teach All Nations 87. “To My Father, and Your Father” Appendix The Companion Volumes are: Vol. I.—Adam & Eve Through King David’s Reign — Patriarchs and Prophets Vol. II.—King Solomon Until the Promised Deliverer — Prophets and Kings Vol. IV.—The Times and Ministry of the Apostles — Acts of the Apostles Vol. V.—The Christian Era Until Victory is Unanimously Achieved — The Great Controversy * Supernatural Revelations Explaining Past, Present, & Future * — TRANSFORMING TRUTH STRANGER THAN FICTION —

Product Details :

Genre : Religion
Author : Ellen G. White
Publisher : Digital Inspiration
Release :
File : 973 Pages
ISBN-13 :

The Historians History Of The World Vol 2 Of 25 Illustrations

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Many a nation has walked God’s earth, has long enjoyed its good things, has come into being and passed away, without our knowing anything of its history, or even whether it had a history at all. For no nation has a history except one that makes history, that is to say, that influences the course of human development. It is with races as with individuals; none is kept in mind by posterity save those who have distinguished themselves by ideas that have modified the life of mankind, or (which comes to the same thing) have been pioneers in fresh fields of action. The greater the spiritual gain a nation has brought to the rest of the world, the longer and more steadily its life has flowed in the channels it was the first to make, the longer is its history told among them. The nations of history are those which have put forward, in one fashion or another, their claim to the dominion of the world. Thus we may fitly ask what claim it is that is made upon our interest by the history of the Jewish nation. And the answer will be, that nothing which excites our attention, or stirs us to admiration or imitation in the history of other nations, is here present in any large measure. Israel was always a small, nay, a petty nation, settled in a narrow space, never of any considerable importance in the political history of the East; it never brought forth a Ramses II, a Sargon, an Esarhaddon, an Asshurbanapal, a Nebuchadrezzar, or a Cyrus to bear its banner into distant lands. Yet, for all this, the history of Israel has, for us, an interest quite different from that of those other nations of antiquity. And if, as we see, Israel is far surpassed in martial glory by the peoples of the great empires, and by the Romans in their influence on the development of law, there are yet other points in which it must yield unquestioned precedence to other nations of antiquity. We do not find in Israel the same feeling for beauty as among the Greeks, who, like no nation before them or after, showed forth the laws of beauty in every sphere of intellectual life, and to this day, in such matters, stand forth in a perfection which has never again been attained, far less excelled. Among the Hebrews there is nothing analogous, nothing comparable to what we admire in the Hellenic people. It has no epic, nothing that can be compared with the Iliad and the Odyssey, against which the Germans set the Nibelungen Lied, and the Finns the Kalewala; it has not the slightest rudiments of a drama—the Song of Songs and Job are not dramas. There is a school of lyrical poetry unsurpassed for all time, and the music that corresponds to it. But the bent towards science, which actuates the Greeks, is wholly lacking—wholly lacking the bent towards[2] philosophy. Nor was it ever eminent in ancient days, in the walks of commerce, enterprise and invention, by which, also, a nation may conquer the world; its intellectual life is absolutely one-sided, a one-sidedness that produces on us the effect of extreme singularity. But the attraction it has for us does not lie in this singularity. It is due, rather, to the circumstance that this small nation has exerted a far greater influence over the course of the history of the whole human race than the Greeks or Romans, that to us it has become typical in many more respects than they. Our present modes of thought and feeling, our lives and actions, are far more profoundly influenced by the world of thought and feeling which Israel brought to the birth, than by that of Greece or Rome. Our whole civilisation to-day is saturated with tendencies and impulses which have their origin in Israel. To be continue in this ebook...

Product Details :

Genre :
Author : Henry Smith Williams
Publisher : THE TROW PRESS
Release :
File : 395 Pages
ISBN-13 :

Appendix To The Catalogue Of The Maine State Library 1854

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Product Details :

Genre : Imprints (Publishers' and printers' statements)
Author : Maine State Library
Publisher :
Release : 1854
File : 56 Pages
ISBN-13 : HARVARD:32044080248610

Union Catalog Of The Graduate Theological Union

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Product Details :

Genre : Theology
Author : Graduate Theological Union. Library
Publisher :
Release : 1972
File : 688 Pages
ISBN-13 : STANFORD:36105116560520

Works Repr Of The 1st Eds With Intr And Notes By C Dickens The Younger 20 Vols

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Product Details :

Genre :
Author : Charles Dickens
Publisher :
Release : 1892
File : 730 Pages
ISBN-13 : OXFORD:555082119

The Girls And I

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Product Details :

Genre : Children's stories, English
Author : Mrs. Molesworth
Publisher :
Release : 1892
File : 272 Pages
ISBN-13 : OXFORD:590688934

The Heir Presumptive And The Heir Apparent

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Product Details :

Genre :
Author : Margaret Oliphant
Publisher :
Release : 1892
File : 320 Pages
ISBN-13 : UOM:39015006960036