The Ministry Vol 10 No 01

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This issue of The Ministry contains a complete record of the twelve messages given during the 2005 winter training on the Crystallization-study of the Building of God, held December 26-31 in Anaheim, California. The crucial truth and burden embodied in these twelve messages may be summarized in four statements: (1) The building of God is the processed Triune God wrought into us so that under His continual dispensing we become His enlargement, expansion, and corporate expression. (2) The three tabernacles--the type of the tabernacle, the reality of the tabernacle, and the consummation of the tabernacle--reveal the goal of God's economy to have a corporate people to be His dwelling place for His expression and representation in eternity. (3) The intrinsic element of the work of the divine building is to minister the building and builded God into others for the building up of the Body of Christ. (4) The desire of God's heart is the building of God into man and the building of man into God for the building of a great corporate God-man, the New Jerusalem. These messages are being published immediately following the training in order that they may benefit the saints participating in the many video trainings that are held throughout the earth. The Reports section includes an update on the purchase of the Bower House property in England and highlights on how the new facility is being used to carry out the burden of the work in Europe. In the Announcements section we include the 2006 schedule of European and Middle Eastern events as well as a calendar, giving the dates and locations of the seven Living Stream Ministry conferences and trainings--the seven annual feasts--for 2006. One cannot measure the benefits derived during these feasts from the Lord's rich speaking in His ministry and the mutual blending and building up of the saints and the churches in the Lord's recovery from every continent.

Product Details :

Genre : Religion
Author : Various Authors
Publisher : Living Stream Ministry
Release : 2006-02-01
File : 243 Pages
ISBN-13 :

The Ministry Of The Word Vol 25 No 01

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This issue of The Ministry of the Word contains a complete record of the twelve messages given by webcast from Anaheim, California, as the December 2020 semiannual training on the crystallization-studies of the books of Job, Proverbs, and Ecclesiastes. The key statements in the following section embody and summarize the crucial truths and main burdens in these twelve messages. The Reports and Announcements section contains an update concerning Europe, reports from regions across Europe, and the winter 2020 mass distribution update. Also included is information concerning upcoming conferences and trainings hosted by Living Stream Ministry and a website link for information related to similar events in Europe.

Product Details :

Genre : Religion
Author : Various Authors
Publisher : Living Stream Ministry
Release :
File : 285 Pages
ISBN-13 :

The Ministry Vol 11 No 01

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This issue of The Ministry contains a complete record of the twelve messages given during the 2006 winter training on the Crystallization-study of Mark, held December 25-30 in Anaheim, California. The crucial truth and the burden embodied in these twelve messages may be summarized in four statements: (1) When we live in the mingled spirit, we are learning Christ according to the reality in Jesus by the Spirit of reality so that His biography becomes our history to be the reality of the Body of Christ. (2) The kingdom of God is the Lord Jesus sown as a seed into the believers and developing into a realm over which God can rule in the divine life. (3) Christ's person with His all-inclusive death and His wonderful resurrection is our all-inclusive replacement for the producing of the one new man, so we must "hear Him" and see "Jesus only." (4) Let us go forth and preach Christ to all the creation, proclaiming the gospel, presenting the truth, and ministering life for the growth, development, and manifestation of the kingdom of God. These messages are being published immediately following the training in order that they may benefit the saints participating in the many video trainings that are held throughout the earth. The Announcements section includes a presentation of the present burden in the recovery concerning the Lord's move to Europe and the latest fellowship regarding the plan to build a ministry conference center in Anaheim, California. In the Announcements section we also include the 2007 calendar, giving the dates and locations of the seven Living Stream Ministry conferences and trainings--the seven annual feasts. One cannot measure the benefits derived from the Lord's rich speaking in His ministry and the mutual blending and building up of the saints and the churches in the Lord's recovery from every continent during these feasts.

Product Details :

Genre : Religion
Author : Various Authors
Publisher : Living Stream Ministry
Release : 2007-01-01
File : 259 Pages
ISBN-13 :

The Ministry Vol 06 No 01

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This is a special combined issue (January/February) of The Ministry. It contains a complete record of the messages given in Anaheim, California, during the 2001 Winter Training on the Crystallization-study of Ephesians. These messages are being published immediately following the training in order that they might benefit the saints participating in the many video trainings held throughout the earth. Because of the specific nature of this issue, the usual section of reports concerning the Lord's move throughout the earth has been omitted. The burden for the twelve messages given during the 2001 Winter Training on the Crystallization-study of Ephesians may be summarized by four statements: 1) the dispensing of Christ is for the gradual building up of His Body and the transmitting of Christ is for the sudden raising up of God's churches; 2) God's eternal intention is to head up all things in Christ, the universal Head, through the church, which is His Body; 3) the oneness of the Spirit must be kept diligently by all the believers in Christ with the transformed human virtues strengthened and enriched by and with the divine attributes; and 4) as the unlimited, immeasurable Christ makes His home in our hearts, we are filled unto all the fullness of God—the ultimate, corporate expression of the Triune God.

Product Details :

Genre : Religion
Author : Various Authors
Publisher : Living Stream Ministry
Release : 2002-01-01
File : 201 Pages
ISBN-13 :

The Ministry Vol 12 No 01

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This issue of The Ministry contains a complete record of the twelve messages given during the 2007 winter training on the Crystallization-study of 1 and 2 Peter and Jude, held December 24-29 in Anaheim, California. The crucial truth and burden embodied in these twelve messages may be summarized in four statements: (1) In Christ's death we have been separated from sins, and in His resurrection we have been enlivened so that we might live to righteousness under the government of God. (2) We must redeem the time to enjoy Christ as the supreme preciousness of God so that He can build Himself into us to make us His spiritual house and His holy and royal priesthood for the accomplishment of His heart's desire. (3) We should be diligent to pursue the growth and development of the divine life and divine nature for a rich entrance into the eternal kingdom. (4) As we are contending for the faith, enjoying the Blessed Trinity, and taking the way of rapture by giving heed to the prophetic word, our trust is in our precious Lord and God as the One who is able to guard us from stumbling and to set us before His glory without blemish in exultation. These messages are being published immediately following the training in order that they might benefit the saints participating in the many video trainings that are held throughout the earth. The Reports and Announcements section includes two reports related to the Lord's move to Europe and an announcement related to upcoming conferences and trainings.

Product Details :

Genre : Religion
Author : Various Authors
Publisher : Living Stream Ministry
Release : 2008-01-01
File : 259 Pages
ISBN-13 :

The Ministry Vol 09 No 01

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This issue of The Ministry contains a complete record of the twelve messages given during the 2004 winter training on the Crystallization-study of 1 and 2 Timothy and Titus, held December 20-25 in Anaheim, California. The crucial truth and burden embodied in these twelve messages may be summarized in four statements: (1) God's economy--His household administration--is to produce and constitute the Body of Christ by dispensing Himself into our being to make us the same as He is in life and nature but not in the Godhead. (2) The church of God is the house of the living God, the pillar and base of the truth, and the great mystery of godliness--God manifested in the flesh. (3) We must be inoculators, those who inoculate others against the decline of the church, by exercising our spirit and remaining in the healthy teaching of God's economy. (4) We must be inoculators, those who inoculate others against the decline of the church, by being a man of God with the breath of God. These messages are being published immediately following the training in order that they might benefit the saints participating in the many video trainings that are held throughout the earth. Because of the particular nature and length of this issue, the usual section of reports concerning the Lord's move throughout the earth has been omitted. We have, however, included a calendar, giving the dates and locations of the seven Living Stream Ministry conferences and trainings--the seven annual feasts--for 2005. One cannot measure the benefits derived during these feasts from the Lord's rich speaking in His ministry and the mutual blending and building up of the saints and the churches in the Lord's recovery from every continent.

Product Details :

Genre : Religion
Author : Various Authors
Publisher : Living Stream Ministry
Release : 2005-01-01
File : 227 Pages
ISBN-13 :

The Ministry Vol 05 No 01

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In this issue of The Ministry we continue to see that the salvation of God is a matter of the Spirit and not the letter. According to God’s salvation, to repent is to turn from the things outside of God to God Himself, because the central thought of God’s salvation is that God Himself wants to come into man to be his life and nature. Then out of this life and nature there will be a result, that is, the excellent fruit borne of the Holy Spirit as the issue of the operation of God after He has entered into man. If we draw near to God, treasure Him, and live before Him in this way, we will live out His virtues by living in another realm, a realm in which the life of God is being expressed through us. In this issue we also include the last six messages of the Crystallization- study of Revelation held in the winter of 1999 in Long Beach, California. Message Seven strongly indicates that spiritual warfare is a necessity, as seen by the vision of the war in heaven and the war at Armageddon. God wants His creature man to deal with His fallen creature Satan; for this, the human will must stand with the divine will. The burden of Message Eight is that all the saints in the Lord’s recovery would be perfected in this age to reign with Christ in the kingdom of a thousand years in the next age. Messages Nine, Ten, Eleven, and Twelve conclude the training with the vision of the New Jerusalem as the ultimate consummation of several wonderful items. It is the consummation of the divine economy, of the divine building, of the divine romance, of the new covenant of grace, of the new creation, of the mingling of the Triune God with the tripartite man, and of the Triune God as our entrance, constitution, existence, enjoyment, living, and expression. Hallelujah! Last of all, we include reports concerning the Lord’s move in Armenia and Holland.

Product Details :

Genre : Religion
Author : Various Authors
Publisher : Living Stream Ministry
Release : 2001-01-01
File : 157 Pages
ISBN-13 :

The Ministry Vol 04 No 01

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In this issue of The Ministry, Brother Lee speaks from a heavy burden concerning fruit-bearing. In John 15 the Lord says that every branch in Him that does not bear fruit the Father will take away. This does not mean that a branch of the vine that does not bear fruit will perish. Rather, it means that such a branch is in danger of losing the enjoyment of the rich supply of Christ. On the contrary, the more we as branches produce new believers as fruit, the more we enjoy Christ. The proper way to bear remaining fruit is not the way of gospel campaigns and big speakers but the inner, hidden way of life. As branches of the vine we must impart life to others to bring forth the fruit of life in a hidden way. The three messages which follow are the conclusion of the messages given in the Memorial Day Conference in Chicago, Illinois concerning the new revival. The subject of Message Four in this series is living the life of a God-man to be conformed to the death of Christ through the power of the resurrection of Christ for the reality of the Body of Christ. Death and resurrection are vital to our Christian life and to God’s economy. Such a life of dying to ourselves and living to God is for Christ, the first God-man, to be formed in His many members, the many God-men, for the building up of His organic Body that the economy of God might be carried out. Message Five indicates that we need to shepherd people according to the pattern of the Lord Jesus in His ministry for the carrying out of God’s eternal economy, and Message Six concludes with the fact that shepherding is to take all-inclusive, tender care of the flock. Last of all, we include reports concerning the Lord’s move in Mexico, Taiwan, and Russia, as well as an announcement which gives the dates of the upcoming conferences and trainings in Europe.

Product Details :

Genre : Religion
Author : Various Authors
Publisher : Living Stream Ministry
Release : 1999-02-01
File : 113 Pages
ISBN-13 :

The Ministry Vol 02 No 01

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The three previous issues of The Ministry contained a series of messages entitled “Vision in God’s Economy,” comprising Brother Lee’s fellowship with the elders and co-workers in Taipei in March 1986. Following this enlightening and crucial word concerning the vision that matches the age, Brother Lee began to speak concerning the present practice in the Lord’s recovery. His speaking, which we include in this issue, was a continuation of his desperate fight, begun in October 1984, to overturn the old traditions among the churches and bring in a new way, the God-ordained way, to meet and to serve. In this message, our brother emphasizes the practice of the new way: to preach the gospel, build up the small groups, and teach the truth, while not forsaking the larger church meetings on the Lord’s Day morning. Six other messages in this issue are taken from the Thanksgiving Conference in November 1997. The general subject of this conference was “The Sevenfold Intensified Heavenly Ministry of Christ.” Christ’s work in the stage of His intensification is to intensify His organic salvation, to produce the overcomers to build up the Body of Christ, and to consummate the New Jerusalem. We must advance from a work in the stages of incarnation and inclusion to the work in the stage of intensification. The Lord’s speaking in this conference through His ministry was instant and intensified, showing us the way to become lovers of Christ, martyrs for Christ, and eaters of Christ for the ultimate consummation of God’s eternal economy, the New Jerusalem. The Lord is advancing in His move to propagate Himself in Eastern and Western Europe. In this issue we include a report on the Lord’s move there, providing some details of the work to distribute our publications, the Full-time Training in London, an international meeting of brothers, and upcoming international blending conferences in five European countries.

Product Details :

Genre : Religion
Author : Various Authors
Publisher : Living Stream Ministry
Release : 1998-01-01
File : 161 Pages
ISBN-13 :

The Ministry Vol 03 No 01

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In this issue of The Ministry, we continue the series of messages concerning the God-ordained way as the present practice in God’s economy. In this message, Brother Lee provides some of the details concerning the practice of the home meetings and small group meetings. In laboring to care for the home meetings, we must learn to minister God’s word at every opportune time, giving “injections” to fight the adverse environments and to supply nutrition in order for the saints to grow. When we labor diligently with perseverance to speak the Lord’s word and care for the meetings in the homes, His Spirit will follow our labor and our words with His work, and there will surely be positive results. The next three messages are a continuation of messages given in the full-time training in Anaheim in the fall of 1997 concerning the grafted life. Message Four presents how God created man in such a way that he would be similar to Him in life so that based upon this similarity he could become intrinsically one with Him. Message Five stresses the fact that God’s judicial redemption is the glorious procedure by which and through which we were grafted into Christ through believing into Him. Message Six gives a further word concerning the matter of God’s judicial redemption for our experience of God’s organic salvation in the grafted life. In the following section we include a portion of the memorial meeting for our beloved Brother Howard Higashi, who was unexpectedly taken away to be with the Lord on November 27, 1998. A message is also included which was given by Brother Howard in the full-time training in Anaheim concerning the gospel, in which he shares his own testimony of receiving the Lord. Our dear Brother Howard was a faithful worker, a steadfast pursuer, and a fervent lover of Christ from the beginning of his salvation in the Lord’s recovery thirty years ago until his going to be with the Lord. He is one of the Lord’s overcomers in this present age. Last of all, we include reports concerning the Lord’s move in Europe and in the southern Philippines.

Product Details :

Genre : Religion
Author : Various Authors
Publisher : Living Stream Ministry
Release : 2017-04-03
File : 130 Pages
ISBN-13 :